by cdaaccounting | Feb 7, 2020 | EDU
A loss on your Idaho business tax return in Hayden is by no means a sure cause for audit. It is not uncommon for new businesses to show a loss in the first year or two, with high start-up costs and early, slow Idaho business.
A warning, however,
to the people of Post Falls who manage to show a business loss year after year: if you do not show a profit for at least three out of five consecutive years, the IRS, if it audits you, might rule that your Idaho business is not really a business, but a hobby. The IRS treats any income from a hobby as taxable income, but losses are not deductible. By contrast, a business loss is deductible. (I you breed, train, race, or show horses, the IRS hobby loss test is two out of seven years instead of three out of five.)
The hobby loss rule is not a firm rule.
An Idaho business in Sandpoint can deduct losses for several years in a row without ever being challenged by the IRS. In the event of an audit, the IRS will allow the ongoing losses if they are convinced that you are operating a real business and trying, though unsuccessfully, to make a profit. The key issue is intent. What are you really doing? Trying to earn some money, or just having fun? It will help if your Idaho business looks like business-business licensees, income and expense records, bank account, business cards, and if you’re devoting to it in a businesslike manner.
by cdaaccounting | Feb 7, 2020 | EDU
Idaho Business Financial Statements Explained
Accountants supply information to people both inside and outside the Idaho business by issuing formal reports that are called financial statements.
The financial statements are usually issued at least once a year. In many cases, they are issued quarterly or more often where necessary. A set of rules, called General Accepted Accounting Principles GAAP, govern the preparation of the financial statements. GAAP has been defined as a set of objectives, conventions, and principles to guide the preparation and presentation of financial statements. These rules can be found in volumes of documents issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants AICPA, the Financial Accounting Standards Board FASB, the Internal Revenue Service IRS, and the Securities and Exchange Commission SEC.
The basic financial statements include:
- Balance sheet
- Income statement
- Statement of cash flows
- Statement of retained earnings
Hayden Idaho Business Retained Earnings Defined
Understanding cash and retained earnings can be confusing. These earnings in a business are not equal to cash; this is money in the bank. Just because a Hayden Idaho company has kept profits in the Idaho business over the years does not mean that all of these profits have been retained in the form of cash.
After an Idaho company earns a profit, it may take that cash and purchase assets or pay off some of its liabilities (expenses, loans, bills, etc.). Hayden Idaho Business owners often assume that they are doing well because they are making profits without considering the amount of cash they have at their disposal. If they do not have sufficient cash, they will find themselves in dire since they may not be able to make the payroll, pay their taxes or general bills.
- It is essential that Hayden businesses have a good cash management plan.
by cdaaccounting | Feb 7, 2020 | EDU
Idaho Business Consignment Rules
Coeur s’ Alene Idaho Consigned inventory is merchandise an Idaho business or an individual place with another Idaho business for the other business to try to sell. A dressmaker may consign inventory to a dress shop. The person consigning the goods (the dressmaker) has not made a sale and does not get paid until the business that has taken the goods in on consignment (the dress shop) sells the goods.
Coeur d’ Alene Tax Implications
For tax and inventory purposes, the consignor (in this example, the dressmaker) has not sold the dress. There is no income to report. The dress inventories. The consignee (the dress shop) has not purchased the dress from the dressmaker until it sells the dress to its customer. The dress shop does not include the dress in its year-end inventory.
Idaho Business 1099 Workers
- term “1099” refers to the 1099-MISC tax form that Idaho companies are required to send to the IRS for any individuals (other than employees on payroll) who receive $600 or more in a calendar year.
- Post Falls Idaho company that pays an on-demand worker $600 or more a year is required to report the amount paid on form 1099-MISC, sending a copy to the worker and to the IRS. But workers are not responsible for 1099s. On-demand workers are not required to have a 1099 form, do not have to request a 1099 form if you don’t get one, and do not attach the 1099 form to your tax return. It does not matter the income is taxable. It is part of, or maybe all of, your self-employment income.
by cdaaccounting | Feb 7, 2020 | EDU
Your Coeur d’ Alene Idaho business will be required to identify itself on tax forms and licenses by either of two numbers: your social security number or a federal employer identification number (called FEIN or more often EIN).
So, Hayden proprietors can use either number, your choice, except in situations where you must get an Idaho EIN. You must get an EIN if:
- You hire employees
- Your Idaho business is a partnership corporation. Or LLC.
- You are required to file a federal excise tax return (covered in the taxes chapter).
- You set up a qualified retirement plan (covered in the taxes chapter).
- You purchase or inherit an existing business.
- Your state or other government agency, a vendor or customer, your bank, or your insurance company requires you to have an EIN.
As you can see, although the federal identification number is called an “employer” identification number, the EIN is used by any Idaho business that needs a federal ID number, whether the Idaho business has employees or not.
Many Post Falls sole proprietors get EINs even when not required because the sole proprietors do not want to give out their social security numbers to customers and vendors.
- You get one EIN per business, even if the Idaho business has more than one location.
- You keep the same EIN for as long as you own the Idaho business, even if you move.
- If you have more than one unrelated Idaho business, you should have separate EINS for each Idaho business.
by cdaaccounting | Feb 7, 2020 | EDU
Some Coeur d’Alene Idaho businesses are naturally suited to be operated out of home, and others, of course, or not. Ideal home businesses are those where the location of the business is not a significant factor in the success of the business; Idaho businesses that require little physical space; and businesses that d not intrude on neighbors and the character of the neighborhood so, retail stores, manufacturing operations, restraints, auto repair shops, and businesses where a lot of customers come to the business premise are usually not suitable for operating out of the home. Also, most jurisdictions place restrictions on, or outright prohibit, the use of home kitchen for preparing foods for public sale or consumption.
Ideal Idaho home businesses in Hayden include:
- Internet businesses.
- Professionals, consultants, freelancers, designers, writers, computer programmers, paralegals, bookkeepers, and other office services.
- Service business where you go to your customers instead of having them come to you, such as repairs, cleaning, sales agent, or contractor,
- Crafts, as long as the workshop isn’t too noisy or smelly, and assuming you deliver your goods to your customers as opposed to having a retail shop or showroom at home.
- Inventors (don’t blow up the garage).
- Setting up Your Idaho Business Home-Office
The luxury of a home office in Sandpoint is that you can spread out wherever you want. However, when home and home business overlap, chaos starts creeping in. It is too easy to mingle personal and Idaho businesses equipment, computer, files, and paperwork, the result is inaccurate business records, inaccurate tax returns, and wasted time sorting out what’s business and what’s personal keep your Post falls Idaho business and your personal life as separate as possible.
7. Keep It Separate
If possible, have a separate room, or at least a separate area, desk, files, and shelves, dedicated to your Idaho business and nothing else. The simple act of physical separation will make your desk area more organized, your business manageable, or lifesaver. Most studies have shown that people who mix residential space with work-space tend to become disenchanted with working at home.
8. The more office equipment you have, the more electricity you’ll be using. If you find you are overloading your home with circuits, tripping circuit breakers, you may need an electrician to rewire the house.